Friday, January 8, 2010

Aqui enquanto caminhamos / Here whist we walk

Here whilst we walk

In response to the initial invitation to participate in Lisbon in the project Encontros 05-06 (an initiative of Alkantara festival in collaboration with the Brazilian festival Panorama de Dança), in which there would be a partnership with another creator, from another country, another culture, two words marked our meeting alongside the first considerations: contact and displacement. The former one in direct relation with the meeting itself and the last one due to the fact of our actual need to displace ourselves for this project. Out of these two words, which would maybe come to serve as the bridge between us two, we became gradually interested in doing this contact in displacement, as a sort of continuous experimentation where the place itself would always be moving and moved. Reminding a bit the flâneur of the XIXth century, someone that wanders through the streets, observing each detail, without being noticed, without impressing himself onto the surrounding landscape, observer of the modern cities under a non-stop transformation, a witness of an amazing and subtle spectacle in front of his very eyes.

Aqui enquanto caminhamos / Here whilst we walk invests through a silent group walk on the possibilities of inhabiting the urban space through another politics of sharing and of perception. Taken in a walk through the invisible, but sensible, archictecture produced by the pedestrians and their living of the urban space, the audience is invited to imprint his/her own presence in real time and space, in a contact in displacement where the place shall always be moving and moved.

Creation, discussion and performance Gustavo Ciríaco and Andrea Sonnberger 
Co-production Alkantara (Portugal) and Panorama de Dança (Brazil) festivals 
Support Tanztendenz München e.V. and Goethe Institut Rio de Janeiro 
Sponsored by European Cultural Foundation, Kulturreferat der Landeshauptstadt München, Bayerischer Landesverband für zeitgenössischen Tanz aus Mitteln des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst 
Manager  Marine Budin – El Climamolla

This project was created within the frame of Encontros 2005/06, an initiative of alkantara (Lisboa) with the
collaboration of Panorama de Dança (Rio de Janeiro).

We've been walking in:

Taipei Theatre Ensemble - Taipei; Festival du Tourisme Aléatoire, Ferme du Buisson - Paris; Gothemburg Dans & Teater Festival - Gothemburg; Chelsea Theatre London; Serralves em Festa, Museu Serralves Porto; Intimate Strangers, Vooruit Ghent; Festival Verão Azul – Lagos; Festival de Dança Contemporânea – São Paulo; Bienal de Dança de Fortaleza – Fortaleza; Movements in urban space – Leipzig; Prague International Theatre Festival – Prague; Centre Chorégraphique National de Tours / CCNT – Tours; Metropolis, KIT – Copenhagen; Der Flaneur, Schausspiel Frankfurt – Frankfurt; En marche, Galerie Michel Journiac – Paris; Tanz im August – Berlin; Festival Ex-Centrique – Chinon; Contact Theatre – Manchester; Sacred, Chelsea Theatre – Londres; Paris Quartier d’Été – Paris; Festival 7 Collines – St. Étienne; Théâtre du Merlan – Marseille; Bienal de Liverpool / Liverpool Live 06 – Liverpool; Here whilst we walk/ talk – Munich; In-presentables – Madrid; Fierce! Festival – Birmingham; Laban Centre – London; Junction Theatre – Cambridge; Arnolfini – Bristol; NottDance – Nottingham; Panorama – Rio de Janeiro.


"Here whilst we walk" - a Walking Event
"Once, there was something quite simply called "a walk". One used to walk around, without a destination, in no hurry; observed what there was to see and listened to whatever there was to hear. Somehow this has gone out of style. One no longer walks for the fun of it, but to arrive at a destination. In their performance "Here whilst we walk", artist Andrea Sonnberger and her Brazilian colleague Gustavo Ciríaco demonstrate just how much we miss out on in doing so. The idea is appealingly simple: a group of six but no more than 20 go for a walk. Only two things are different from the way we´re used to. First, no-one speaks a word. Second, all participants are surrounded by a white band within which they move.

Thus the artists lead their group from the dyeing works in Claude-Lorrain-Strasse through Untergiesing, through streets and backyards.Essentially, that´s it already. If you think this is boring, you are wrong, though. It is astonishing what kind of reactions this performance provokes in passers-by. One lady wants to "help with money". However, when the group remains silent, she concludes that "they´re probably all nuts". It is encounters like this which are disconcerting, as well as the times when the artists briefly abandon their group. Involuntarily, one becomes a canvas for the phantasies of those who pass by. The band separates the group from its environment. All those within it now belong together, whether they like it or not. The combination of walking and silence makes one´s perception more acute, and presents familiar views from a new angle. And so a simple walk turns into an outing through a Munich barely anyone knows."

Anne Fritsch - Süddeutsche Zeitung, Munich, Germany, September 2006.

La danse du spectateur

D’autres créateurs préfèrent, quant à eux, s’évader du lieu théâtral pour concevoir des événements in situ, afin d’embarquer le public hors des sentiers battus et partager avec lui une autre « expérience ». Dans le cadre de la programmation de Paris Quartier d’été, le chorégraphe brésilien Gustavo Ciriaco et sa collègue autrichienne Andrea Sonnberger proposaient à cet effet une intrigante promenade chorégraphique1. Comme pour le spectacle Chambre créé par Catherine Contour en 1997 et qui se déroulait dans une chambre d’hôtel, la performance s’engage hors de l’espace théâtral traditionnel. Les spectateurs sont ainsi invités à un parcours dans la ville, encerclés pour l’occasion par un ruban élastique. Même s’ils ne se connaissent pas, les spectateurs sont unis pendant une heure par les liens sacrés du spectacle pour lequel ils se sont tous déplacés. Les chorégraphes proposent de garder le silence durant la balade afin de favoriser l’écoute et l’attention de chaque participant. En effet, il ne s’agit pas seulement de regarder, mais également d’écouter et de
sentir. Silencieusement, les spectateurs déambulent donc dans la ville. Au début, chacun examine attentivement le paysage, cherchant un indice ou quelque chose à voir. L’espace de représentation n’étant pas formellement démarqué par une scène, tout peut alors être regardé et devenir objet de spectacle : l’architecture, la rue, les commerçants, les passants… Mais, progressivement, le regard change. Le groupe encerclé qui venait assister à une performance devient à son tour un objet de curiosité, voire même un sujet d’attraction. Sur son passage, les passants s’étonnent ou se moquent : s’agit-il d’une manifestation contestataire, d’une secte d’illuminés, d’un groupe de touristes qui visite Paris dans un cordon de sécurité ou
encore d’une sortie d’aliénés ? Finalement, qui regarde qui ?

Festival Paris Quartier d’ Ete, Paris, July 2007.
By Katya Montagnac (Montreal, December 2007).

About Me

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Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Rio de Janeiro. I am a performing artist and art maker coming from dance. I love to dialogue with the historical, material and affective context we are immersed in any given situation. As art form, my work goes from multimedia stage conceptual work to convivial and open-air pieces. It strikes me the awareness and fictions arising from the sublime of daily situations, its materiality, the reference points that we cling to and build up our relation to reality and how meaning grows from this. contacts: |

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